Dean Holland

Lessons From Life in Business

Guess Who’s Back

“So . . Wow, the journey begins

My 1st ever blog, and why ? Quite simply I want to build a business online and I want to help others do the same.”

…16 years ago to this day those were the words I opened my very first blog post with.

October 20th, 2008

At that time I’d tried to make money online for about 4 years without any success

Having made what felt like every mistake in the book, I’d landed myself in over $60,000 of debt

You can also see in the original post here from 2008 that I set my first goal in saying the following:

“So let me set my first goal- To acheive $1 earnings online.”

Little did I know, my life was about to change pretty damn quickly…

Just 9 months later in June of 2009 I walked into my boss’s office and handed him my letter of resignation to become a full time affiliate marketer

The following year I would make hundreds of thousands and had begun to fulfil my original goal to help others succeed online.

Today, not only do I continue to love affiliate marketing…

I now have 2 companies:

Internet Profits, where I help beginners get started making money online

And together with my wife, COABE Cosmetics – A womens cosmetics eCommerce store.

(Yep, even married and bought a home since that first blog post too!)

I’m responsible for selling more than $12,000,000 in products online…

And have helped 1,200+ people make their first affiliate commissions

(These are just the numbers I have receipts for, could be more, who knows)

To say it’s been one heck of a ride would be an understatement haha…

But whilst the last 16 years have been life-changing beyond anything I imagined, it hasn’t been easy.

Anyone that tells you this online game is easy is lying and likely wants to sell you some so called magic bullet

And this brings me to why I’m back 16 years on to restart my blog here…

Thankfully the industry is far ‘cleaner’ than it was when I started

But it’s still full of snakes peddling garbage and so much misinformation

It pains me to know than innocent beginners like I once was are being taken advantage of

I’ve fought a good fight for many years now but I know I can do more

And so I will, right here on this blog!

I’m not here to make friends or win the affection of any gurus online

I don’t play the “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” game, so expect nothing less than hard hitting truths here

And now I have 16 more years experience in the trenches of running multiple businesses

Doing everything from affiliate marketing, digital products, physical products, being an author, running membership sites, software, high ticket sales, eCommerce stores and more.

I have a lot to offer in the way of advice, lessons, guidance etc…

Plus, I’ll take you on the journey as I continue forwards so you can gain from all that I experience on this entrepreneurial rollercoaster.

My primary mission is very much the same it has always been…

To help others who are stuck like I once was to break free and create a better life for themselves using the internet

I continue to believe that affiliate marketing is the number 1 way for beginners to do that for reasons I’ll discuss another time

Better yet, I truly believe there’s more opportunity today than there ever has been before which I will do my best to highlight and shine a light on for you

So, if you’re reading this right now and not seeing the results you want yet, know this…

Failing does not make you a failure.

Every step you take is the chance to learn something from both good and bad experiences

I am living proof that with enough grit and hard work, you can succeed online.

It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

You may be required to make changes to get where you want to be

And you may not even be ready for that yet

But keep going, you could be closer than you realise.

My plan is to post here on a weekly basis

Sometimes it could be more if I have something of value to say

And I’m sure on occasion I may miss a week here and there

But come by often so you don’t miss anything

I intend to make this a place that gives you more help than most products

Speak soon


14 responses to “Guess Who’s Back”

  1. Bill Bateman Avatar
    Bill Bateman

    well said, welcome back

    1. Dean Holland Avatar

      Thanks Bill, good to be back šŸ™‚

  2. Chris Lynes Avatar
    Chris Lynes

    How do I get started with very little to invest?

    1. Dean Holland Avatar

      Ultimately there’s 2 resources – Time and money.

      If you have less money then you must use time.

      The benefit of using money where possible is it gives you the ability to lower the time to reach your goal.

      For example, when I tried for 4 years without results it was me using credit cards and just buying products that offered no help beyond the videos / pdf materials.

      Only when I got a mentor and got real help / guidance did I make real progress.

      I’m not sure how much specifically you mean when you say “very little to invest” but if it’s basically “nothing” then my honest advice for now initially is work on raising some funds.

      Sell unwanted items from around your home, work extra hours or second job, ask for promotion opportunities etc… Do anything and everything to get some extra funds.

      During that same time learn all you can. I plan on sharing a lot of free advice here so this will be a good resource for you.

      Pick a model and obsess on it, my advice is affiliate marketing.

      I’ll make a post this next week about what I’d do if had to start over today from nothing.

      Hope that helps.

  3. Desmond Flood Avatar
    Desmond Flood

    I have been a victim of the Shiny Object syndrome, and while I have been desperately trying to make progress a member of family has been undermining me as they are very savvy but are non believers and wont give anything a chance whereas I would and accepted I would get stung (and often did) along the way. So i will be interested in your pitch(es). I do have things never really worked on (E.Chias) etc but they are all on the back burner at present and may be seen anytime. 20/10/24.

    1. Dean Holland Avatar

      Most people are non-believers in this stuff… UNTIL you show them results.

      Even then they may doubt it… But who cares, you can do it and when you crack it and they come asking how they can do it you can smile šŸ™‚

  4. Chigs Avatar

    Hey Dean,

    Glad to see you are leading by example and starting blogging again. There are too many opportunities and yes, many not so honest people out there.

    Those that are reading this post and comments, Dean is a totally down to earth humble guy I know.

    Dean, keep up with the great work my friend. Cannot wait to read and learn from your blog posts.


  5. Alex Jeffreys Avatar

    My guy means business šŸ˜

    & youā€™re right as you donā€™t play the ā€œscratch my back gameā€ you can tell the truth ā€˜unlike mostā€™

    Iā€™m excited to see you tell your audience what itā€™s like to go from $1 to $12,000,000 of um šŸ˜š

    Congrats Dean & Iā€™m excited for all your followers and readers

    1. Dean Holland Avatar

      Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do for me!

      What a journey hey!

      And I feel we’re just getting started haha!

  6. Paul Scoplin Avatar

    Definitely interested in what you will have to say!

  7. William Evans Avatar
    William Evans

    Looking forward to what you have to say, 20 years on and still trying

  8. Michael Minor Avatar
    Michael Minor

    Hello Dean

    This is Awesome of you to offer your expertise through your real experience of success.
    I commend you on your big-hearted attitude to help others, from your beginning to your present.
    I look forward to gleaning much from your shared wisdom.
    Thank you So Much


    Dean, I appreciate your desire to give insight on a format that could be profitable if understood and applied properly. I know in my spirit that success is possible. I understand you only fail if you quit. I know faith without works is unattainable. I look forward to your insight and wisdom pertaining to affiliate marketing.

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